Bobcat's Blog
The World's Worst Devlog™ by Bob.95% chance I will neglect this blog by the end of the month.
Made with love, entry-level knowledge of HTML and no responsive design whatsoever.
Rough layout shamelessly stolen from the Factorio Blog because I can't design anything unless it is a cube.
Entire frontpage is done in a single HTML file because GH pages doesn't support PHP, stock HTML is too fucking stupid to have a HTML composing feature (and yet somehow they have embeds and iframes which are the same thing plus extra crap you can't get rid of) and SHTML doesn't seem to work either. Web development is the fucking worst. The W3C should stop sniffing glue.
Now using fantastic monospaced font!

2025-02-28The arcane art of connecting two things. Sometimes more.

Getting info in people's heads
2025-01-22Documentation: Everyone loves having it, few people love making it. The history of NTM's attempts at documentation, as well as the upcoming QMAW system.

How to handle (emotional) damage
2024-11-19Minecraft's damage system sucks, and in order for guns to work properly we'll have to come up with something better.

Mark 6
2024-11-15The hat man came to me in my dreams and showed me how to make bombs even better.

Enemy Desing
2024-10-18We got guns, now what do we shoot with them?

2024-09-13The story of Redstone-over-Radio, and some of its future capabilities.

The NTM Design Bibble
2024-08-16NTM has (loosely) followed some design principles for the better part of its development, in today's yapping session we go over some of them.

Guns! Guns! Guns!
2024-07-15More boring yapping about how guns worked, and how they could be better.

The History Of Things That Go Boom
2024-07-05A little history lesson on how nuclear explosions worked, and what we can expect in the near future.

In The Matters Of Bedrock Ores
2024-07-04Bedrock ores are kinda dumb if you think about it - too many types, too much maximum yield, nether ores being horrendous, too little processing variety...what do?