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Gun Overhaul
Pepperbox, B-side: The List
Muzzle loaded black powder pistolAmmo: Stone and ball, x6
Higher base damage, high headshot bonus
Henry Rifle, B-side: Lincoln's Repeater
Lever action rifle with front loaded ammo tubeAmmo: .44, x8
Exceptional base damage
Long Pistol, B-side: Akimbo
Dual wielded semi-automatic pistolsAmmo: 9mm, x17, x2
Long Pistol, Legendary: COAL MOMMA
Dual wielded semi-automatic pistolsAmmo: .44, x17, x2
Colors: honse
Anti Materiel Rifle
Heavy scoped rifleAmmo: .50BMG, x7
Tier: Ferrouranium
Anti Materiel Rifle, Legendary: SUBTLETY
Heavy scoped rifleAmmo: .50BMG, x7
Headshot multiplier also applies on bodyshots
Alt-fire fires a tracer that spawns a falling building
AUG, B-side: Goldmann's Golden Gun
Select-fire scoped assault rifleAmmo: 5.56mm, x30
Color: Gold
Holo rifle
Hologram launcherAmmo: Cell
Star Blaster
Semi-automatic explosive energy pistolAmmo: Cell
???Ammo: .50-1600