Robert Catté's TODO List
Gun rework (no shit)- Remaining guns
- Dungeons for finding legendary parts
Assembler unfuckening (3x3 footprint, updated model)
Chemplant unfuckening? (replace with chemical reactor, no more templates, fate of the chemfac unknown)
Fusion reactor changes (BSCCO instead of AA? GUI overhaul, model port fixes, plasma generators)
Greater steam turbine
- Low-pressure turbines
- High-pressure turbines
- Flywheels
- Electric engine for pre-spinning
- Alternators of varying tiers
- APU? (Comp V9)
Particle accelerator cannon
More mobs? (flying glyphids for earlygame, magma worms for post RBMK)
Oil 1 "rework" (cutting down waste oils, naphtha fix)
Custom missile rework (killing the current system and merging it with generic missiles)
LPW2 Rocket engine (reformate kerosene as main fuel, comp v9 as booster)