How 2 Preview
"This will be the last preview" - I lied.We are on a bugsquishathon. Changelog:
- Fixed bullets rendering on fire
- Projectiles are now excluded from projectile-caused explosion knockback
- 240mm shells now render again (unfinished, use the 40mm renderer for now)
- Added reload cancel, clicking primary (or for the SPAS secondary too) now causes the reload to end after the current operation is done. This is only useful for sequential reloading like shotguns
- 240mm shells now render again (unfinished, use the 40mm renderer for now)
- HEAT now also apply the bonus damage to non-living entities (although without the armor piercing calc)
- Tots now have 35% base damage per projectile and hives only 25%
- CIWS should no longer crash instantly when opening the GUI
- Jeremy casings no longer crash the game
- Fixed ashes not properly rendering when on the floor when GL_CULL_FACE is set due to incorrect vertex order
- Fau armor probably still doesn't have any armor values, none of the current armors have received any balance changes so far
- Casings don't respect FOV in first person
- STG77 scope is still weird as fuck
- G3 texture is still unfinished